This chapter describes Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
TFTP.001 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.001 xfer max exceeded
Long Syntax: TFTP.001 simultaneous transfer maximum exceeded
Description: There is a maximum number of simultaneous TFTP transfers supported; a request (either local or remote) was made while this maximum number of TFTP transfers were already in progress.
TFTP.002 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.002 unknwn rqst opcode: opcode
Long Syntax: TFTP.002 unknown TFTP request opcode: opcode
Description: Unknown TFTP request opcode was received.
TFTP.003 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.003 accs viol fn: filename_requested
Long Syntax: TFTP.003 access violation filename: filename_requested
Description: A TFTP file transfer request (either local or remote) failed because of a TFTP access control violation.
TFTP.004 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.004 no UDP port avail
Long Syntax: TFTP.004 no UDP port available
Description: A TFTP file transfer request (either local or remote) failed because no UDP port was available.
TFTP.005 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.005 no bfr avail
Long Syntax: TFTP.005 no buffer available
Description: A TFTP request failed for lack of buffers.
TFTP.006 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.006 2nd srvr regd
Long Syntax: TFTP.006 second TFTP server registered
Description: Only one TFTP server can be active at any one time; a second server has been registered by software and the previous server has been deactivate.
TFTP.007 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.007 unexp data pkt rcv
Long Syntax: TFTP.007 unexpected TFTP data packet received
Description: A TFTP packet on an inactive connection was received.
TFTP.008 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.008 unexp xfer term: reason_code, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.008 TFTP transfer unexpected termination: reason_code, transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP transfer has terminated prematurely; reason code provided.
TFTP.009 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.009 normal xfer cmpltd, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.009 TFTP transfer completed normally, transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP transfer has completed normally.
TFTP.010 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.010 sorc appren avrtd, blk block exp expected_block tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.010 sorcerer's apprentice bug avoided, block block expected expected_block transfer id transfer_id
Description: The fix to a bug called the sorcerer's apprentice is to not retransmit old TFTP data packets in response to out-of-sequence TFTP acks; this has just occurred. The block number of the ack received and of the ack expected are displayed.
TFTP.011 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.011 xfer timeout, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.011 TFTP transfer network timeout, transfer id transfer_id
Description: TFTP transfer failed due to timeout on the network.
TFTP.012 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.012 ack pkt retrns, blk block tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.012 TFTP ack packet retransmission, block number block transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP ack packet was retransmitted in response to an out-of-sequence data packet received.
TFTP.013 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.013 data pkt retrns, blk block tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.013 TFTP data packet retransmission, block number block transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP packet was retransmitted on expiration of a timer.
TFTP.014 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.014 rmt type req accptd, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.014 remote TFTP type request accepted, transfer id transfer_id
Description: A remote TFTP transfer request has been accepted.
TFTP.015 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.015 data pkt sent, blk block tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.015 data packet sent, block number block transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP data packet has been sent.
TFTP.016 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.016 ack pkt sent, blk block tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.016 ack packet sent, block number block transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP ack packet has been sent.
TFTP.017 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.017 req pkt retrns, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.017 request packet retransmitted, transfer id transfer_id
Description: A TFTP request packet has been retransmitted
TFTP.018 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.018 remt req rej'd: reason optional_details
Long Syntax: TFTP.018 remote request rejected: reason optional_details
Description: A remote TFTP request was rejected for the reason shown. An optional second parameter provides further details.
TFTP.019 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.019 type req sent, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.019 locally originated type request sent, transfer id transfer_id
Description: A locally originated TFTP request has been sent.
TFTP.020 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.020 xfer abrted by usr
Long Syntax: TFTP.020 locally originated TFTP transfer aborted at the console
Description: Locally originated TFTP transfer was aborted at the console.
TFTP.021 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.021 ack pkt rcvd blk block tid trans_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.021 ack packet received, block block transfer id trans_id
Description: A TFTP ack packet has been received.
TFTP.022 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.022 data pkt rcvd blk block tid trans_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.022 data packet received, block block transfer id trans_id
Description: A TFTP data packet has been received.
TFTP.023 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.023 unexp err pkt rcvd code errcode colon_and_openquote errmsg closequote
Long Syntax: TFTP.023 unexpected error packet received, code errcode colon_and_openquote errmsg closequote
Description: A unexpected TFTP error packet has been received.
TFTP.024 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.024 lcl dev err errmsg
Long Syntax: TFTP.024 local device error, errmsg
Description: Error accessing one of the local device. Errmsg describes the actual device and the type of error.
TFTP.025 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.025 Starting tftp of file configFile from serverIpAddr
Long Syntax: TFTP.025 Starting tftp of file configFile from serverIpAddr
Description: EasyStart is trying to download a specified file from a specified host.
TFTP.026 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.026 Open failed.
Long Syntax: TFTP.026 Open failed.
Description: Open failed.
TFTP.027 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.027 Transfer completed successfully. Writing to NVRAM.
Long Syntax: TFTP.027 Transfer completed successfully. Writing to NVRAM.
Description: Transfer completed successfully. Writing to NVRAM.
TFTP.028 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.028 Writing to NVRAM completed.
Long Syntax: TFTP.028 Writing to NVRAM completed.
Description: Writing to NVRAM completed.
TFTP.029 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.029 Transfer stopped due to a failure.
Long Syntax: TFTP.029 Transfer stopped due to a failure.
Description: Transfer stopped due to a failure.
TFTP.030 |
Level: U-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.030 ack blk block to duplicate data blk duplicate, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.030 TFTP ack block block sent as response to duplicate block duplicate - tid transfer_id
Description: A TFTP ack packet was sent in response to a duplicate data packet.
TFTP.031 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.031 blk wrapped. max rcvd blk block tid trans_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.031 block wrapped. maximum received block was block transfer id trans_id
Description: The file to be transferred is very large. More than 0xffff or 0x7fff blocks of 512 bytes are required to transfer the file. The remote server is unable to handle the wrapping of the block number back to 0. A new write request will be started to continue to transfer the remainder of the file.
TFTP.032 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.032 no mem avail
Long Syntax: TFTP.032 no memory available
Description: A TFTP request failed for lack of memory.
TFTP.033 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: TFTP.033 req req sent for fn fn, tid transfer_id
Long Syntax: TFTP.033 req request sent for file name fn, transfer id transfer_id
Description: TFTP request has been sent for the specified file.
TFTP.034 |
Short Syntax: TFTP.034 No known path to destination.
Long Syntax: TFTP.034 No known path to destination.
Description: Transfer could not be started because there was no known path to the destination of the transfer request.